Thursday, December 27, 2007

christmas finch

we had a pretty simple Christmas this year due to expensive appliances + house purchase... but David did find time to pick out this little ornament for Violet. Since she finds random junk around the house more entertaining and interesting than actual toys, it wasn't very hard to please her this year...

I hope everyone had a great holiday.


Kim said...

That's a cute picture of her hand grabbing for it. What a nice Dad!

Jill said...

house + appliances sound like the best of christmas gifts. i hope you're settling in and loving your new place.

ali said...

I love that little finch.

zack hackett said...

I just looked through the last 6 months of your blog and remembered that you have a photographic gift, You really are talented. I guess it helps when your subject matter is so dang cute. Van wants to know if Violet is available.

Pedaling said...

wow, your images are quite amazing.