Monday, April 23, 2007


David and I spend the last couple days painting this cradle that has been in his family for years. I feel privilaged to use it now, as David slept in it as a baby along with all his siblings and the grandchildren. I think the pale yellow turned out pretty dang cute. Now all we need is the baby...

(oh, and thanks Lori for the paint color suggestion!)

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

three weeks and counting...

David and I are trying to come up with ideas for decorating our apartment. We took a lot of photos of spring things like dandelions and flowers (maybe for the baby room?). We'll see.
David took this picture of me yesterday on a walk we took. I can't believe how big I have gotten! I'm counting down the days. three more weeks. Or more...or less...
Sunday we took a long drive. I loved the clouds and blue sky...and the contrast of the green grass. I wish my old bunny lived here.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Ode to Zoey

The signs of Easter are here, and what better way to celebrate than to buy a little fluffy bunny? David got me this angora bunny shortly after we got married around Easter time. She started out small and cuddly and grew up to be the size of a small dog. Her name was Zoey and she stayed with us for a good year...I think. Below and left is a picture of her right after we got her, and on the right is a picture of her flying through the air. Yep, that picture is not photoshopped. And yes, we are done getting pets and not keeping them...