Tuesday, October 16, 2007

3 years...

October 16, 2004 was a great day...
happy anniversary david.


Lacey Jane said...

I love that picture of you two! You look so very happy!

Happy, happy anniversary! You were such a beautiful bride!

(PS. I still have the mix you gave out at your wedding dinner. One of my favorite mixes... ever.)

Michelle said...
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Michelle said...

Happy Anniversary! Violet is lucky to have such great parents.

Anthony and Rene said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!!!! you guys are such and amazing couple.

Angie said...

Hi Allison. You don't know me but I served with your husband in Hawaii. My wife randomly came across your blog. Tell David hello and have him email me. We had some fun times together. You guys look happily married. Congratulations. Jeremy Wright http://www.choosethewrights.blogspot.com/ jeremywrightcdt@hotmail.com

Kim said...

3 Years, time flies! Happy Anniversary!

mindy said...

oh i love that picture of you guys! you should blow it up the size of your wall and display it in a golden frame. jk. but i seriously love it that much! oh you two... :) happy anniversary! (a little late on my part.)